On our way do dispose of my kids at my mothers. It will be great to study without having to breakup World War 3
Rayna's Blog
A blog about the stresses in my life and the things I do to avoid them or better yet how to not handle them.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Friday, October 23, 2009
Politics Even in the Girl Scouts
I am not sure what to do about the Girl scouts @ my daughters school. It seems that if you want to do something you have to do it yourself. IIts just a horrible concept. They sign you up and then let you flail like a dying fish. And for three years I have paid my dues and bought the damn cookies and got my daughter her uniforms and did we ever DO anything NO!!. This year they are again at a loss. I am not made to be a co-leader to people who have never really done anything other than possible bake sales. I want to take these girls camping. I want to enrich their lives and I am just pissed off that these people don't have that kind of drive. I thought the deal with the Girl Scouts was to show them that they don't have to be a slave to how and where they grew up they are good people and to show them the possibilities are endless. I hate to say it, but GS is not for the working mom. Too much attention is needed to just do it one freaking hour a week or some crap like that. Sorry to rant but I am so tired of political crap.
It makes me feel if I am not their that I have to obviously not care. That lady that emailed me to "inform" me obviously never took email ethics and ettiquette.
She is the school recruiter for GS not just her own troop. So it bogs my mind why in the heck is she even bothering me with asking and not just taking over like she seems to be doing now. Here is my reply:
Now was that very wrong. It was vastly different than the other email I had written out. (you should never email people when your mad wait a day) I waited untill this morning to send it. ReVamped but sent. If I wrong then I will be fine with it. But under no circumstances will I be dictated to. Here is her reply:
So I think that I will not allow my daughter in the GS this year or ever. She doesn't need these peole and they seem rather superficial and self-important. WTFE.
I am done with this drama. I don't need it. I want to that everyone who bothered to read my rant and in no way is this indicative of all the GS organizations. Just the one I live near.
It makes me feel if I am not their that I have to obviously not care. That lady that emailed me to "inform" me obviously never took email ethics and ettiquette.
Sorry I havent gotten in touch, I've been really busy-definitely volunterr too much!! LOL (Names deleted to protect the appearingly inoccent) does the brownie troop but apparently already has a co-leader (HMM THERE WASN'T ONE WHEN I APPLIED) so we were thinking for you, (RED FLAG) that you could pair up with (NAME DELETED) and be the co leader (YEAH FOR SOMEONE I DONT KNOW OR TRUST WHO NEVER HAD A TROOP BEFORE, NOT) for the Junior troop and we'll combine 4-5th graders. That way there will be enough girls for a real troop since there were only 2 5th graders so far and not sure how many 4th graders.(TRANSLATION: WE DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THE OTHER KIDS AND WE DON'T CARE. WE GOT WHAT WE WANT) And your daughter is a 4th grader correct?(NAME DELETED) email is:(EMAIL DELETED) and I dont have her number handy at the moment but if you'd get in touch with her and try to work out a time to start your meetings, that would be great. I will also email her. I am going to try and get some more interest forms to send out to the girls and see if we get more back this time.. I know they put my wrong phone number on it last time. Call me if you have any questions, I know this is all so vague, sorry. (DELETED NUMBER).
I'll try to keep in touch better this time :)
She is the school recruiter for GS not just her own troop. So it bogs my mind why in the heck is she even bothering me with asking and not just taking over like she seems to be doing now. Here is my reply:
There are a few things wrong with your assumptions. I don’t have the training for juniors. I have all brownie materials that I had bought for my troop of brownies. If you don’t need me than that is fine. I am a little disappointed the lack of organization. I have been bugging and bugging (name deleted) on this troop issue and I feel like it’s not really going anywhere.
“so we were thinking for you”
I don’t really like it when someone decides things for me. I am a grown adult and I would appreciate someone asking me. It’s also a sign of respect for people, not to discount their feelings on the matter. I had also thought I had made my intentions rather clear when we met for the initial meeting. I don’t want to be a junior leader, I have a brownie troop and had rather worked with that age group. I will be one if it’s the only way for my daughter to do anything with the GS. Again. But as it stands right now there aren't enough interested girls for a troop. And to tell you the truth after two years of getting the shovel from the GSA I am not willing to compromise anymore.
I also feel someone dropped the ball already and we are only two months in to the school year. We have missed the fall fundraiser. And we are nowhere near prepared for any cookie sales. Let alone having a bank account per troop and meetings with two adults and at least 5 girls. I don’t think that this has been taken as seriously as I had hope from the school or some parents. If you are doing a lot of volunteer projects then this may not be a good idea for someone so busy. I would hate to disappoint children because people’s priorities are not very beneficial to the troop. I am seriously reconsidering me and my daughters part in all this.
Now was that very wrong. It was vastly different than the other email I had written out. (you should never email people when your mad wait a day) I waited untill this morning to send it. ReVamped but sent. If I wrong then I will be fine with it. But under no circumstances will I be dictated to. Here is her reply:
I am sorry that you are so upset. I started last year in March and did everything myself, put my troop together without anyones help. I apologize that I havent gotten in touch with you sooner and have no idea what paid staff at GS have going on that they have not gotten more involved. I am a parent just like you and have a full time job as well and am just a volunteer and I am doing as much as I can. I am sorry that you feel offended by our suggestion as it was just a suggestion, ( you did not make a suggestion if it was a suggestion you would have talked more about the situation and asked) didnt realize it would be such an issue to change to a junior troop, really I was thinking you'd prefer that because of your daughter( Dont assume) but I'm sorry I assumed wrong. The reason there isnt more interest in the girls is because we havent had a leader yet (you told me I was a co-leader , ie assistant to a leader, That tells me there is a leader and she is not doing her job. But I thought you were the recruiter) and so there has only been limited outreach. We sent home interest forms and I'm not even sure that I received one for your daughter (I may be wrong) ( I had paid for her dues and mine at the same time, WE even went to you recruiting meeting and signed the paperwork there. Also the support agent has sent you a list of girls that are signed up for the school.Again I was supposed to get the list from you already. it seems to me you have too much on your plate) so I'm sure that there are others that are interested and just havent got the word. The other problem is that there is no troop, no time set for meetings and all of that and parents find it easier to show interest if there are questions being answered. We will still combine 4th-5th graders and (name deleted) will be the leader. If you are not interested in working with that troop, I will get involved with (name deleted) and see if there is more interest with brownies and you could create another troop if you'd prefer. I talk to (name deleted) (a 2nd grade teacher) and she says there is a lot of interest, so that is another option.
I am sorry that you ( I recall saying we, the Royal WE) are missing the fall fundraiser but we got through our meetings last year just on dues and parent contributions alone so it can be done. (That was last year before the fall of the economy, don't you read the papers) Plus there are many other options for raising funds, right now if need be. We (you are new) are all new at Imagine and things are disorganized at times but we are trying to work together for the girls so they can have a good time. I am the only troop even trying fundraiser right now as the other troop is new too. You are also welcome if you havent been told before to attend the council meetings on the first monday evening of every month and gather information, I'm suprised you did not get emails from GS about this previously. (As a matter of fact I don't get emails fro GS about anything unless I bugg the hell out of them, way to go. But i cant attend the night meetings because I have night school. If you had remembered that when I told you the you would not have dared make that comment) Did you go to the meetings last year? Not sure if I saw you there, they are very informative. (really nice snide remark)
As far as all of your last comments. I do what I do for my girls and I have a huge troop and they are very happy. The other girls at the school are looking forward to troops starting as well and I am doing my best, for as you may not realize the past year I am the only one really doing anything at all. If you feel that you could do a better job you may have my recruitor position as I only volunteered because there was no one else. And frankly I am rather offended at your criticism and negativety. I am doing my best and I'm sorry you dont feel it is enough. Girl Scouts would love your help, as the organization is mainly volunteer run I guess I always just assummed we do the best we can and work out the kinks along the way. It is your choice what you would like to do. You really dont need me to do anything I'm just hear to help. And to appoint your friends as leaders. Yeah I know how clicks work. It seems the GS is not immune to having them.
If you would like to run a brownie troop by all means go to the school send out flyers you make, get more girls, talk to the teachers do whatever, thats what I did last year and believe me it wont be stepping on anyones toes. A recruitor is merely to get more girls involved in scouts. (then do your JOB) So once leaders are gathered then you can help build your troops. I apologize that you have such a negative outlook on the entire situation. I hope that in the future you will be able to change that and have a good view of what girls scouting is all about. If you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.. Thank you again for your help.
( I doubt it. I really do)
(Name deleted)
So I think that I will not allow my daughter in the GS this year or ever. She doesn't need these peole and they seem rather superficial and self-important. WTFE.
I am done with this drama. I don't need it. I want to that everyone who bothered to read my rant and in no way is this indicative of all the GS organizations. Just the one I live near.
Friday, August 7, 2009
How to get authors to notice your review blog.
I really don't have a clue except one: Be yourself and believe that because you are another outlet to readers that they won't dismiss you. You may get a few that really don't have the time to set aside to have a chat with you. and that is okay. If you can make an appointment. Or better yet, have an arranged phone conversation where you just write down the answers. Or if your a people person who hates typing, and its easier for you to have a personal conversation then to email back and forth. I find it easier to have a IM conversation with them, or if they are really busy. Email then with a list of questions and ask them to have them back to you with at least 10 questions answered. (Remember to send a list of at least 20 so they have a pick of what they want to answer.)It's really as simple as that. And also dont forget to mail thank you notes to them. I know snail mail. But some times is nice to get a letter in the mail instead of bills and junk mail. I know I like it better so why not them too. So I am off to email ever author I know to get an interview for the rest of the year. AT this point in our new review blog we need to get traffic flowing there. Come and visit us at www.naughtyeditions.com you may like what you see. And please leave a comment, even if its is how to improve the site.
blog review,
book reviews,
Monday, July 6, 2009
CA MIlson
C.A. MIlson can kiss my assets. For an author to have a God complex this man must have one. I would not read his books if you gave em to me. But alas it is my job to help the public understand and make a good reading choice. So then I must sacrifice and make myself read the horrible dredge out there to find the good stuff.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Today I am loaded down
Well I am still the only girl scout leader that has to learn to be a girl
scout too.
I have 200 books on my desk that I will read before June 1st. And review
too. LOL right. But I am going to try.
My cat caught a bat in the house a couple of nights ago. WTF!! How is got
in I don't know. I think JOJO found in another part of the house and brought
it to my door. I heard it crying outside my bedroom door and thought it was
Percy our finch. I started to freak out. Then when I actually became more
awake I nearly pushed Jake out the bed and said go get that and kill it!
(lots of bad words in the censored for sensitive eyes)
My mother has informed me of my brothers nuptials that no one was invited
Oh and the coming baby also.
My kids got a sunburn playing outside they look so cute. Even little Lily.
My cat has killed like four birds in the back yard. I think he is pissed in
some way because we got a finch, Percy, and he can't get to him.
Old West End festival is coming again. I am near a street that is
presenting some houses so hopefully with the lure of free stuff I can get
people to the yard sale at my house, half of which will be going to help out
the 5 girls in my troop.
I signed my husband up to be a volunteer for the GS. He just loved that
idea. LOL right. And I am trying to get out the RT care packages off to
people that asked for them. I GOT A BUNCH OF STUFF PEOPLE SO EMAIL me.
That's all from me today. I gotta get started on these books.
scout too.
I have 200 books on my desk that I will read before June 1st. And review
too. LOL right. But I am going to try.
My cat caught a bat in the house a couple of nights ago. WTF!! How is got
in I don't know. I think JOJO found in another part of the house and brought
it to my door. I heard it crying outside my bedroom door and thought it was
Percy our finch. I started to freak out. Then when I actually became more
awake I nearly pushed Jake out the bed and said go get that and kill it!
(lots of bad words in the censored for sensitive eyes)
My mother has informed me of my brothers nuptials that no one was invited
Oh and the coming baby also.
My kids got a sunburn playing outside they look so cute. Even little Lily.
My cat has killed like four birds in the back yard. I think he is pissed in
some way because we got a finch, Percy, and he can't get to him.
Old West End festival is coming again. I am near a street that is
presenting some houses so hopefully with the lure of free stuff I can get
people to the yard sale at my house, half of which will be going to help out
the 5 girls in my troop.
I signed my husband up to be a volunteer for the GS. He just loved that
idea. LOL right. And I am trying to get out the RT care packages off to
people that asked for them. I GOT A BUNCH OF STUFF PEOPLE SO EMAIL me.
That's all from me today. I gotta get started on these books.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Renee Bernard, Historical Erotic Romance Writer
Yesterday, I got an email from Renee Bernard, and historical erotic romance author.
In it she said this “…the new book coming out in March has been titled "Revenge Wears Rubies" with the next book in July "Seduction Wears Sapphires".... so the Jaded are on their wicked way!”, yay for Renee.
I met Renee last year at the RT 2008 convention when my then crazy roommate stumbled into her room about to make herself at home. (The drinking had not even started yet.)
Come Visit us on her FaceBook fan page. Thanks!
Renee currently has four books out:
A Lady's Pleasure

The School for Heiresses

Madame's Deception

A Rogue's Game (Mistress Trilogy)

In it she said this “…the new book coming out in March has been titled "Revenge Wears Rubies" with the next book in July "Seduction Wears Sapphires".... so the Jaded are on their wicked way!”, yay for Renee.
I met Renee last year at the RT 2008 convention when my then crazy roommate stumbled into her room about to make herself at home. (The drinking had not even started yet.)
Come Visit us on her FaceBook fan page. Thanks!
Renee currently has four books out:
A Lady's Pleasure

Seeking revenge on a nobleman who had slighted her, Merriam Everett sets out to seduce her victim, but her plans go badly awry when she targets the wrong man, Drake Sotherton, Duke of Sussex, who, convinced that the mysterious beauty is a pawn of his late wife's murderer, comes up with his own scheme of revenge.
The School for Heiresses

At the elite School for Heiresses, headmistress Charlotte Harris takes pride in teaching her wealthy students how to find true love while avoiding fortune hunters and other undesirable spouses, in a quartet of Regency stories by four popular romance authors--Sabrina Jeffries, Liz Carlyle, Julia London, and Renee Bernard.
Madame's Deception

Believing that her mother's couture business had financed her boarding school education in Europe, virginal bookworm Jocelyn Tolliver is stunned to discover that her dying mother is the infamous Madame of London's elite Crimson Belle bordello and that she has inherited the establishment and its ladies.
A Rogue's Game (Mistress Trilogy)

Refusing to undertake the inevitable marriage of convenience after losing his family fortune to gambling debts, Julian Clay, the Earl of Westleigh, becomes infatuated with Eve Reynolds, the beautiful niece of a scheming con man, to whom he is first drawn because of her remarkable skill at cards.
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