Monday, June 9, 2008

Festival Time....Finally it's over

WEll the festival was nearly a bust this weekend thanks to a tornado the night before. Thousands of people are still without power. At least me and mine are ok. I will pray for the others.
That's me on the porch Saturday morning.

He and the kids went walking around and looked at all the vendors and artist that we peddling their wares. There was some nice stuff there. To bad I was running out of money.

I also met a man who owned a few stores in and around the area. I believe he said the name of the store was Pulp Something I forgot and damn it. I started getting olditis this weekend too.

It was SO DAMN HOTTT! I wanted to kill someone. We had a few lookie loo's and then some who just wanted to come inside for some cool air. I didnt blame them.
We, well my husband, go to meet a few neighbors and they invited us to a "Hola Party". I was so excited, I hadn't really gotten out of the house since RT 2008, so I was going come hell or high water.
They had a live band, which the neighbor was playing in. My husband is a drummer and was itching to get up there and play something. But unfortunately do to alcohol consumption, that would have been a tragedy for him, hilarious for me and everyone else.

Next year I am going all out and getting a tent and balloons and face painting and all sorts of stuff just to get all my stuff sold I think. Take a look at the photo slideshow of the houses they are nice.

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