Thursday, July 31, 2008

Gues what...

Soon the online bookstore will be up and running. I plan to have all the new books available as soon as I can. I like to just say this. I love getting my favorites early its great to finally have the wondering off my chest. And since we sell worldwide, I ship alittle before release date so they can get theirs too. I was talking to a fellow book seller and she said she really never paid to much attention so release dates. There are so many authors out there that everyone's TBR Pile/List is way outa wack.

We got our logo the other day. I will be looking for a few more additives to go to it. But soon there will be post cards going out to people who sign up for my mailing list or newletter on my ebay page. These postcards will have a 20% off a single new item coupon on them.

What makes us different than anyother bookstore out there? Well for one we don't charge for standard shipping in the US. So basically you are only paying for books like in the larger chains except you don't have to spend money on gas going to the store. I personally would have loved to find good books at great prices online without having to pay for shipping. Good for the month of August to celebrate out online Grand Opening. Naughty

There will be more to come on the developments of the store soon. We hope to have some listing up and running by tomorrow. Wish us Luck.

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