Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Victoria Laurie a smart marketing or just a bad person?

Well the many times I see people behaving badly its been by someone with no regard for other people. And most times for people in the limelight its really bad. AKA Mel Gibson. Or most recently take Victoria Laurie. She evidently can't take criticism well and has to be juvenile about it. Or did she? I believe it's a careful plot to raise her sales and get a bigger or different kind of fan base. Laurell K Hamilton did it. And she is still turning out books that people will stand in line for hours upon hours to get. I am not going to go all into how evil she is or how not to act like a pompous bitch, but i will say with becoming a celebrity (kinda) there comes a responsibility.

As a customer I know that I will never buy any of her books I don't care if someone As a bookseller even if someone pays me three times the cost of the book, I will not order or have it in my store because of her and her behavior.

For a good back ground on this incident (if you care) go to Dear Author she had all the scoop.

Then come visit me at Naughty Editons

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