Saturday, October 18, 2008

Most admirable person

Well in class last week I was told to do an assignment that had me writing a 3 page paper on "my most admirable person". Well to say the least I don't have one. There are things I like about certain people but not all in ONE person. So I have decided to deviate from the assignment a bit an make it a satire. I believe my most admirable person to be Osama Bin Laden. I will list all the negative attributes as if they were good things to behold and then end the essay with "If I was a terrorist ths person my be my hero."


I could just make up a person no one has ever heard of. Make her or him my idea person. Then explain why this person does not exist.

Yes its rather sad to say I don't admire any one. I envy lots of people I just don't admire them.

I think that I will go with the second idea its seems more PC (politically correct)
I have been told today I am callus, unfeeling and insensative to others feelings. You know, if I had to weigh everyone's feelings in everything I do, I wouldn't be able to do anything. Especially if I do hurt their feelings and they sit and stew in it for a few months and not tell me. IF they are my friends I would hope they would feel ok in telling me what I had done. But I guess you don't know who your friends are untill something like this happens. It hurts to know I was thought of like that because I am not that kind of person. I know my indescretion my have hurt them but not telling me, I feel made a worse problem. But yet it is all my fault. I feel that its like the friend that is wearing the really ugly dress that no one wants to tell her is hideous.

Anyways, this persons feeling were hurt and mine in turn were hurt. Can I get over it? Probrably not. Its a trust issue with me. If I can't trust you to tell me the truth, I proprably shouldn't even associate with you. Because it was obvious now that we weren't friends if you couldn't tell me or at least have someone else say something. How am I supposed to even consider showing my face anywhere around you, knowing that everyone else knew I was making an ass of myself. But yet ....

Nevermind that conversation, its like beating a dead horse it ain't getting up. And its all wrong to begin with. I feel wronged today. I feel betrayed today and I feel worthless today. Should you have to be responsible for anothers happiness? I dont think so. But evidiently I am wrong on that too. So my feelings aren't going to matter today either? I don't want to be callus, or insensative. I would rather cut off my left arm, but it seems that I am. I can't change one or a handful of peoples view or perception of me all I can do is start over somewhere else and HOPE I find someone strong enough to tell me the truth always.

So as I go and fortify my waning strength with some Jack Daniels and his friend Jim Beam, I will write that paper on the imaginery person I admire and hope that it is enough, I will post it when I am done with it.

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