Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day One at RT (Romantic Times Convention)

Wel I made it here. My plane ride was fine. I get here and find the WYNDHAM IS HUGE!!!. This place has its own damn zip code. So far today I have met and talked to Renee Bernard, Taige Crenshaw, met a few new readers. I am staying at the Comfort INN across the street and the convention is in walking distance. Though if you were any good at Frogger then you may be able to cross International Drive. Otherwise DON'T. So tonight I am going to go to the Ellors's cave Party. And not much else. I have not see MIchele Bardley or Dakota Cassidy anywhere yet. I am still on the Hunt.

1 comment:

  1. LOL i heard that you might have been closer than the folks that actually stayed there! The rooms my peeps got was so far their feet swelled!~


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