Sunday, May 17, 2009

The 10 worst Movies EVER!!!!

My husband and I went to the movies over weekend and saw Star Trek and Wolverine. We then rented Punisher: War Zone and the Kingdom. We has a discussion about how bad the movies are becoming and what the worst movies we thought were. ( not including kids movies)

Jacob take on the worst movies that he has personally seen:

  1. Battlefield earth
  2. League of extraordinary gentleman
  3. Van Helsing
  4. Minority report
  5. All the Mummy franchise movies
  6. Ice age and its sequals
  7. Freddy got fingered

Rayna's List of the worst WTF Movies EVER!!!

10. Battlefield Earth
9. Waterworld
8. Howard the Duck (WTF were they thinking, a duck can not get with a hot chick)
7. Any Tom Green movie
6. Ghost Rider
5. Punisher: Warzone
4. Ecks VS Sever
3. the Blair Witch Project and its sequal ( really should have never been release, I got sea sick watching the movie)
2. The Hunted (really anthing with Christopher Lambert)
1. The Last Action Hero (OMG!! I demanded my money back during that movie)

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